
Thursday 13 December 2012

#1 Oh boulangerie, boulangerie!

Boulangerie is the French work for bakery. While sometimes it seems like there's one on every corner, the trick is finding the really good ones! Yes, I'll admit that my frequent visits to my local boulangerie is usually to satisfy a grumbling stomach, but it also presents many an opportunity to practise my French and learn new words. It's easy to spot the croissants, eclairs and baguettes, however before I moved to France I had no idea what was in a chouquette or a jesuite... and now I do! All in the name of research, of course! ;)

On a side note, the French government subsidises bread here which means it's relatively cheap to buy. (We have the French Revolution to thank for that!) Not bad if you're on a budget!

... Just a shame the pastries and cakes aren't subsidised too. Oh well...

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