
Saturday 11 August 2012

Road trip to Troyes...

On Saturday a group of artists from Camac hit the road to explore the medieval city of Troyes. There were cobblestones and timber houses dating back many centuries, which added to the city's charm.

Troyes is also known as the city of 10 churches and can lay claim to being the birthplace of a pope (Urbain IV, born in 1185). Below is the Basilique Saint-Urbain (13th C), which is described as a masterpiece of Gothic art.

The Saint-Pierre Saint-Paul Cathedral (13-17th C) below is also of great historical significance. It is said the Knights of Templar were officially recognised at this location. The small army of monks, who fought as knights bearing a red cross, originated in 1118-19 and their duty was to watch over the path of the pilgrims.


Later on we stopped by a local restaurant for lunch and to rest our feet, before a spot of shopping. A very good day in Troyes!


1 comment:

  1. i'm from Sydney Australia and i'm off to Camac in september this year,
    love your blog, inspirations,
    Joy Ivill
